Agent Team: The Return of the Man — Chapter 13 chaos

By now Agent H had turned on the water and Agent S was pointing the hose at the truck’s windshield. Water was covering the windshield, so the man could not see. He angrily waved the gun and opened his window. “You…..” he began.
But then Agent S angled the hose toward the window. The Man rapidly closed it, but not before both he and the guard were soaked. At this point, he noticed that the gate was closed. He was furious, even beyond furious. He wanted to climb out of the truck and start shooting, but knew he’d be soaked before he could fire a shot. Besides, if they knew he was here, they could have gotten help. He wouldn’t have time to shoot them. So he gunned the engine and moved forward. The Agents were spraying water at the windshield again, and he could barely see through the windshield, even with the windshield wipers going as fast as they could. He rammed into the gate. Then he backed up and rammed it again.
He was backing up to ram it a third time when the gate burst open, though not in the direction he had intended. A team of police cars burst into the clearing and quickly surrounded the truck. Policemen and FBI agents leaped out and ran for the truck. As soon as the Man and guard had been captured, the truck was searched and the Agents and President were found. A team of helicopters had arrived, and the President was air lifted away. The Agents were questioned several times by the police and FBI. For a while, in the clearing, it was chaos.

After a while, people in the clearing began to leave. The policemen drove away, and soon the clearing was empty, except for a few FBI agents and the Agent Team.
“Congratulations. You caught two criminals and prevented the President of the United States from being kidnapped.” said Agent X. “You saved our country from possible disaster. My most sincere gratitude.”
“We wish we could award you and throw a banquet, but unfortunately we can’t. We don’t want word getting out that the President was kidnapped so easily. People would try to kidnap him for ransom, or even assassinate him. But you did a marvelous service to our country. Thank you very much.” Agent L explained.
Also, we have more bad news. We will be leaving, and unfortunately we won’t be coming back.” Agent X told them.
“Why not?” asked Agent T.
“We thought this was a secure location. But since the President was kidnapped from here…….” Agent L sighed. “I’m very sorry.”
“So I guess this is goodbye.” said Agent M.
The Agents sadly bid the FBI Agents goodbye. Then the FBI drove away, and the Agents returned to the hideout.

© 2012 Christina Smith. All rights reserved.

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Agent Team: The Return of the Man — Chapter 12 getaway delay

Agents M and Q began to examine the back of the truck. Towards the front of the truck were some boxes filled with furs the poacher had been poaching.
Then Agent M got an idea. “Let’s hide in these boxes. Maybe we can delay them from leaving.”
So the three of them climbed into the boxes.
Just then the guard opened the back of the truck. “Boss,” he cried, “come here! They’re gone! They’ve escaped!”
“Stay here and guard the truck.” the Man replied. “I’ll go look for them.”
The guard frowned. Then he looked both ways and climbed inside the truck. He peered behind the boxes, then glanced inside of one. The President grinned back at him. “Hey boss,” the guard called, “I found them!”
The Man returned to the truck. “You mean they were in the truck the whole time!? You idiot, you should have checked there before you called me.”
Fortunately he ignored the Agents and the President and instead focused his anger on the guard. But he was facing the Agents, so they didn’t dare try to escape.

Meanwhile, the Agents in the bushes saw Agents M and Q and the President disappear from the window. Then they heard the truck’s engine start.
“Oh no!” cried Agent P. “He’s getting away!” He/she grabbed Agent A, and the two ran toward the driveway of the house. The truck was just pulling out of the garage. The two Agents leaped into the driveway.
“Stop right their in the name of the law!” cried Agent A.
The Man, who was driving the truck was stunned. What was a XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX doing here? No one was supposed to even come near here, especially people acting like policemen. Oh well. He decided that it didn’t matter. “Move or I’ll run you over!” the Man cried.
The Agents stood firm. “Murder means you go to jail for the rest of your life. I’m sure that’s worse than kidnapping.” Agent P informed him.
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t get caught.” the Man replied. He gunned the engine, and the Agents could see that he was willing to run them over. At the last minute they leaped out of the way of the oncoming truck.
Meanwhile, Agent H had an idea. He/she ran to the edge of the house, where a hose was sitting in the garden. He/she followed the hose to its end, where it was attached to a faucet. Agent S saw what he/she was doing, and grabbed the other end of the hose and ran toward the truck.
In the meantime, Agent J had gotten another idea. He/she had seen that the yard around the house was surrounded by a fence. At the end of the driveway there was a gate in the fence. He/she ran toward the gate, which was propped open.
Neither Agent’s ideas would necessarily stop the truck, but hopefully they could delay it until help arrived.

© 2012 Christina Smith. All rights reserved.

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Agent Team: The Return of the Man — Chapter 11 help?!

The Agents saw that there would be no easy way to rescue the two Agents that were in the attic. So they sent Agents T and N, who were some of the Agent team’s fastest runners, to go tell the FBI.
When the two Agents arrived in the FBI camp, it was chaos. The FBI were completely panicked. The gate guards were talking on the phone, and had to stop to let them in. Agents X and L weren’t in the tent, but were examining an empty spot in the middle of the clearing.
“What’s going on?” asked Agent T.
Agent L didn’t look up. “He’s been kidnapped.”
“The President!?” gasped Agent N.
“Yes. The two agents sleeping with him were found sleeping here. The tent was gone, as was the President, and Agent Z, who was really an imposter. He must’ve drugged the two agents and moved them outside of the tent. What I don’t understand is how he got the tent, with the President, out of the camp. Another guard was on duty, plus the two at the gate.”
“We have news too.” Agent T told her. “We found Agents M and Q. They are being held in a house with another person.”
“Maybe the President is that other person!” cried Agent X. “We need to investigate!”
Agent L went over to talk to another agent, while Agents T and N described the location of the house to Agent X, who described it to the person that he had just called on his phone. When they were finished, the two Agents and several FBI agents set off for the house near the northern edge of the woods.

Meanwhile, Agents M and Q, and the President of the United States, had reeled in the kite. Now they watched the Agents in the bushes. They had seen them send Agents T and N back to the FBI camp and decided to head back downstairs so they would have a better view through the larger window there. Then the guard suddenly checked his watch, and ran away. The Agents looked a each other. What was going on? Just then the door opened revealing the Man and the guard. Both held guns which were pointed at the President.
“Come with me. Don’t try anything or the President is shot.” said the guard.
The Agents were forced to walk between the two men out if the house and to the garage where a large truck was waiting. Then they were forced to climb into the back of the truck. The Man closed the door, and they heard him telling the guard to watch it so they didn’t escape. The Agents realized that the Man was going to make his getaway and take them with him.

© 2012 Christina Smith. All rights reserved.

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Agent Team: The Return of the Man — Chapter 10 found!

The other Agents hurried over and saw what Agent S had found. It was a trap, one of the traps made by the poacher. And this trap had trail leading from it into the woods.
“I bet this trail leads to the poachers’ hideout!” exclaimed Agent J.
“And look! Here’s Agent Q’s pencil. They must have found it too. Maybe they were spotted by the poacher and he kidnapped them.” added Agent T.
“We’ll have to be careful not to get caught ourselves then.” said Agent H.
So the Agents made there way carefully through the woods along the trail, and soon came to the hole in the fence and the house where the two Agents were being held. Of course, they did not know this, at least not yet.

Meanwhile, Agent Q was still sitting guard in the bedroom. He/she was wondering how the President had been kidnapped. How had he discovered the camp in the first place? How had they managed to get in the camp and past the guards? What had happened to the FBI agents in the President’s tent? How had they managed to get the President out of the camp, and why had they bothered to bring the tent?
Then Agent Q gasped. Could it be? It was so impossible, but made so much sense. The Man had had an accomplice. The accomplice had had an FBI agent.
Just then, Agent M came downstairs. Agent Q told him/her about his/her theory. Agent M agreed that it seemed likely, but impossible. “We need to inform the FBI.” he/she exclaimed.
“Shame we’re stuck in a house away from civilization, with no way to tell anyone anything.” replied Agent Q.
“Anyhow, I came to relieve you of guard duty.” Agent M told him/her.
“Why not we both go upstairs? There’s nothing to do down here anyway.” Agent Q replied.
So the two Agents set off for the attic.

Meanwhile, the other Agents had moved around to the side of the house and concealed themselves in some bushes. Here they could see the guard, the kite, and three figures in the attic window. Agent A gave the secret Agent team birdcall whistle.
Agent M heard it, and immediately whistled the reply.
“What was that?” asked the President.
“That was our secret Agent signal.” replied Agent M. “One of the Agents is nearby!”
“Hopefully they find us and bring help.” added Agent Q. “Maybe we can escape!”
“I hope so.” sighed the President. “I have no clue what they want to do with me, but whatever it is, it can’t be good.”

© 2012 Christina Smith. All rights reserved.

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Agent Team: The Return of the Man — Chapter 9 surprise and excitement

The man groaned. He looked to his right, then to his left. Then he sat up and for the first time noticed Agent Q. “Where’s Agent Z?” he asked. “What’s going on? Is this some sort of joke?”
“I have no idea.” replied Agent Q. “We were kidnapped by the poacher and brought here. We went to bed and when I woke up, you were here.”
The man gasped. “Oh no!” he cried. “I must have been kidnapped by the poacher too!” then he frowned. “Where are we anyway?”
“We’re in a house at the edge of the woods,” replied Agent Q.
The two of them climbed out of the tent. Agent Q led the man to the window.
As the two looked outside, Agent M woke up. He/she spotted the two at the window and frowned. “XXXXXXXXXX, what on earth is going on? Who is that anyway?”
“This is…” Agent Q frowned. “Who are you anyway?”
“I am POTUS,” the man replied, “also known as President of the United States.”
The two Agents gasped.
“The President!” cried Agent Q.
“But how?” asked Agent M.
“I honestly have no idea.” the President replied. “I just went to sleep in my tent as usual, and when I woke up, I was here.”
“You must have been kidnapped by the Man.” Agent Q told him. “He’s probably holding you for ransom.”
“Well,” sighed the President, “I suppose you might as well show me the accommodations.”
So the two Agents showed the President the room they were trapped in. They showed him the attic and the kite, which they flew over the trail. And they took turns flying the kite with the president in the attic and standing guard downstairs.

Meanwhile, the other Agents were also by now awake. They ate the remains of the cereal for breakfast, then set off for the spot where they had seen the mysterious bird. Sure enough, once they arrived, they spied it flying high in the gentle breeze.
Agent T pulled out some binoculars. “I don’t think it’s a bird. It looks like a signal that says SOS!”
“Let me see!” Agent H grabbed the binoculars. Sure enough, this was a kite with SOS printed on it in red. “Maybe it’s the Agents!” he/she cried.
“We should find where the kite is coming from.” said Agent J. “Maybe there’s a way to cut through the woods to get there.”
So the Agents began to search the area for a way to cut through the woods. Sure enough, Agent S soon cried, “Guys! Look at this!”

© 2012 Christina Smith. All rights reserved.

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